WFAR Road Map
This public roadmap represents confirmed plans for the future of WFAR.
Each stage of the development process is laid out below.
Advanced Combat Certification
Armoured and Logistics MOS
Merch Store
Aviation & QRF MOS
Squad Systems Operator MOS
Season 4 Main Modpack
Season 2 PMC Modpack
Patreon Rewards
S3 Modpack Build
S3 Litepack Build
S1 PMC Modpack
V2 Training Map
Convoy Training
Recon Training
Discord FAQ
Discord Bot Update
Leadership Training
Thirst & Hunger Update
Y1 Winter Games
Mortar Technician MOS
Promotion Requirement Rework
Y2 Summer Games
Unit Update 07-08-2021
Mortar Technician MOS Finished and in service.
Y2 Summer games finalized, announcement to be released at the end of current campaign.
Season 4 mod pack is now in testing phase, to be released at the Summer Games.
Unit Update 04-09-2021
Announcement of the update framework for the unit has been posted. Additions and work starting on new MOS's such as Artillery and QRF
Patreon and Merch Store are being worked on.
Plans for the Y2 Summer games are under way.