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WFAR Groups & Information


[] Do not shoot friendly forces during our main ops or trainings. 
[] Do not engage in combat, throw or drop grenades or explosives within WFAR Controlled Areas unless ordered to.

[] During Briefings, do not talk as this is key information and missing it will be detrimental to the mission

[] Squad Leads Decision is final.

[] Any issues or grievances please bring to @1SGT M. Jewsbury or @2ndLT K. Velez after the mission has ended.

[] During Saturday Ops, Keep to professional language and attitudes, this is our Main Milsim day, and we expect you to treat it as such.

[] Don't Argue with the kit given, any additional equipment must be passed by your Squad or Team lead or Specialist lead

[] Whilst in Aircraft, Please keep Chatter to a minimum, the Pilots take priority when talking

[] No unauthorised equipment (Bananas, Satchels, Hard Hats, Periscopes etc)

[] Do not OD players with medical supplies on purpose

[] No Soundboards during missions. If you wish to play music in a vehicle, ask the driver and/or appropriate leader first.

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Open Staff Positions

Content Creators - We are looking to add more content to our youtube channel to help expand our reach and increase viewership. There are multiple openings for creators who can create professional looking content to the specifications of the Media Production Team, the content created can either be fun and casual or display our milsim prowess in a serious combat scenario.

If you are interested in this position please message K. Velez or M. Jewsbury on Discord and they will discuss the opportunity further with you. 

We are also looking to gauge the interest in people becoming a dedicated member of aviation full time, if you would like to be in Aviation every Saturday mission please voice your interest to 2ndLT K. Velez 

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©2019 by White Fox Assault Regiment

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